


Students interested in applying for admission to the EEEA graduate program must meet the following requirements:

  1. Bachelor's degree (Bac+3) (undergraduate diploma and relevant transcripts required)
  2. If the student is not a native French speaker, it’s mandatory to provide a proof of minimum B2 French level (TCF, TEF and DELF/DALF accepted)

The EEEA Admissions Committee will accept students on rolling basis, according to students’ motivation, merit, and application.


The Master Program has a dual semester system, with a fall semester and a spring semester. The fall semester runs from September to December, and the spring semester runs from January to April of the following year. Each lasts 15 weeks. There are also short projects/internships that run from May to June.  The summer vacation takes from July to August.

Note: Students in their second year are required to complete a 6-month internship, and thus the spring study and short project/internship are combined.


EEEA adopts the European Credits Transfer System (ECTS), a common European credit system, to obtain a master's degree, students must complete a minimum of 120 ECTS credits of relevant courses.

EEEA courses are offered in a variety of formats, including lectures, tutorials, discussions, projects, workshops, etc. Each ECTS credit corresponds to 30 hours of study time. For example, for a 6 ECTS credit course, students are required to complete 180 hours of related learning activities in a semester, of which 60 hours may be spent in class (15 weeks, 4 hours per week) and 120 hours may be spent on weekly assignments, midterm, and final assessments, group projects, etc. The specific mode of instruction and time allocation is determined by the instructor, but the general principle of 30 hours of study per credit remains unchanged.

Depending on the level of the student, exemptions may be requested by examination for individual courses, such as English, Calculus, Linear Algebra, etc.


For theory learning, exams will be held in the form of a 2-hour final exam. Language courses are assessed on an ongoing basis, and project courses require oral exams.

Students who fail the June assessment have the option of taking a second exam in September.

Repetition of the current year is allowed :

Unexcused absences may result in a "fail" and such students may take a second course or request a repeat.

Students who retake the course will retain grades for subjects with scores higher than 10/20.

Any proven examination malpractice will result in a mark of 00/20 for the subject in question. In the event of a repeat offense, the EEEA Disciplinary Committee will decide whether or not to advise dismissal. The registration fee will not be refunded.


Students who meet the graduation requirements will receive a Master Diploma (Bac+5) recognized by the French Ministry of Education.


  • Computer Science

  • Business Administration

  • Fine Arts

  • Law



    • Ecole Européenne d'Etudes Avancées
    • 30 - 32, rue du Couédic

    • 75014 Paris  France


    • Tél : 06-43-71-59-46
    • Tél: 01-74-64-00-55
    • Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Agréée par l’Éducation Nationale Enregistrée sous le numéro d’agrément rectoral N° 0755549Z

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